Cabled Tank

Tahki * Stacy Charles’ short and sweet cabled tank is worked in Filatura Di Crosa Luxury in a reverse stockinette stitch and cable pattern.




cabled tankDirections are for Misses’ sizes Small (Medium, Large). Directions are for smallest size with larger sizes in parentheses. If only one figure is given, it applies to all sizes.


  • Finished Bust: 33 (35, 37) in. *Back Length: 12 1/2 in.


  • 4 (5, 6), 50 gm/160 yd balls of Luxury (100% silk) by Filatura Di Crosa/Tahki*Stacy Charles, Inc. in Gold #18
  • One pair knitting needles in size 5 U.S. OR SIZE REQUIRED TO OBTAIN GAUGE
  • Cable needle (cn)
  • Stitch markers
  • Thin elastic (optional)


26 sts and 30 rows = 4 in. with LUXURY by Filatura Di Crosa/Tahki*Stacy Charles, Inc. in pat st.
4-st cable = 1/2 in.; 8 sts rev St st = 1 1/4 in.


C4F = left slanting cable: SI 2 sts to cn,hold to front, k 2, k 2 from cn.
C2R = cross 2 right: SI 1 st to cn, hold to back, k 2, k 1 from cn.
C2L = cross 2 left: SI 2 sts to cn, hold to front, p 1, k 2 from cn.


cabled tank diagramCable Rib (multiple of 12 sts + 4):
Rows 1, 3 & 5 (RS): K 4, *p 8, k 4; rep from * across.
Row 2 & all WSR: P 4, *k 8, p 4; rep from * across.
Row 7: C4F, *p 8, C4F; rep from * across.
Row 8: Rep Row 2.
Rep Rows 1 -8 for Cable Rib.


CO 109 (115, 121) sts. Rib: Row 1 (RS): P 1, *k 1, p 1; rep from * across. Row 2: K 1, *p 1, k 1; rep from * across. Rep Rows 1 & 2 for 1 in., ending with a WSR. Est pat: Next row (RS): Work 3 sts in Rib as est (edging for slit): p 13 (16, 19) for Rev St st; work 76 sts in Cable Rib; [p 11 (14, 17), p2tog, p 1 – 13 (16, 19) sts rem in Rev St st]; work 3 sts in Rib as est (edging for slit) – 108 (114, 120) sts. Slit: Cont as est, work even until piece meas 3 in. from beg, ending with a WSR.

Note: Slit completed. Discontinue Rib at beg and end of row; beg working all sts each side of center 76 sts in Rev St st -16 (19, 22) sts each side. Work even until piece meas approx 11 in. from beg, ending with Row 8 of Cable Rib pat. Place marker each side of center 48 sts (marker will be in center of 4-st Cable at each side of 3 center Cables).

Cable diamonds: Row 1 (RS): *Work as est to 3 sts before marker, (1 st before cable); C2R, C2L; rep from * once, work as est to end.
Row 2 & all WSRs: K the knit sts and p the purl sts as they face you.
Row 3: *Work to 4 sts before marker, C2R, p 1, k 1, C2L; rep from * once, work as est to end.
Row 5: *Work to 5 sts before marker, C2R, (p 1, k 1) twice, C2L; rep from * once, work as est to end.
Row 7: *Work to 6 sts before marker, C2R, (p 1, k 1) 3 times, C2L; rep from * once, work as est to end.
Row 9: *Work to 7 sts before marker, C2R, (p 1, k 1) 4 times, C2L; rep from * once, work as est to end.
Row 11: *Work to 8 sts before marker, C2R, (p 1, k 1) 5 times, C2L; rep from * once, work as est to end.
Row 13: *Work to 8 sts before marker, C2L, (k 1, p 1) 5 times, C2R; rep from * once, work as est to end.
Next row: BO in purl to 1 st before k 2 of Cable Diamond (this 1 st is now on RH ndl).
***Row 15: SI 2 sts to cn, hold to front, k 1, pass first st from RH ndl over 2nd st (1 st dec), k 2 from cn = C2L/dec, (k 1, p 1) 4 times, C2R, turn; place rem sts on holder – 14 sts rem.
Row 17: K 1, *C2L/dec, (k 1, p 1) 3 times, sl 1 st to cn, hold to back, k 2, k2tog (1 st from cn, 1 st from LH ndl) = C2R/dec – 12 sts rem.
Row 19: K 1, *C2L/dec, (k 1, p 1) twice, C2R/dec – 10 sts rem.
Row 21: K 1, *C2L/dec, k 1, p 1, C2R/ dec – 8 sts rem.
Row 23: K 1, *C2L/dec, C2R/dec – 6 sts rem.
Row 24: P 6, place on holder. Do not break yarn .*** Place body sts from holder on ndl, join a second ball of yarn and BO in p center sts to 1 st before 2nd diamond Cable; work *** to ***.

Cable straps: Working both sides at the same time, work a Cable twist on 4 center sts every 8th row until Strap meas approx 14 in. BO all sts. Attach yarn to rem body sts that were not bound off and BO rem sts.


Work as for Front, omitting Diamond Cables, until piece meas 12 1/2 in. from beg, ending with a WSR. BO all sts tightly in p. Run elastic along Back edge, if desired.


Block pieces to measurements, being careful not to flatten Cables. Sew side seams, leaving lower edge open for side slits (3 in. from lower edge). Sew straps to Back edge, crossing them in Back.

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