Hand Knitted Purses

Making a hand-knitted purse is becoming as popular as knitting scarves. Knit`N Style features the Zigane Backpack and Belle Epoque Bag from Skacel as well as the Herringbone Bag from American`s Alpaca.

Belle Epoque Bag

belle epoque bagRATING

8 in. x 10 in.


  • 3, 50 gm/54 yd balls of Skacel Belle Epoque (A)
  • 2, 25 gm/108 yd balls of Skacel Vegas (B)
  • One pair each addi Turbor® knitting needles in sizes 8 and 10 U.S. OR SIZE REQUIRED TO OBTAIN GAUGE *Set of double-pointed needles in size 4 U.S.
  • Crochet hook size G/6 U.S.
  • One button


  • 11 sts = 4 in. with one strand each of Skacel BELLE EPOQUE and VEGAS on smaller ndls in garter st.
  • 12 sts = 4 in. with one strand each of Skacel BELLE EPOQUE and VEGAS on larger ndls in garter st.


sc = single crochet: Insert hook in next stitch, yarn over, draw yarn through stitch, yarn over, draw yarn through 2 loops on hook (= 1 sc).
FLAP: With one strand each of A and B held tog and smaller ndls, CO 6 sts. (Bottom of flap.)
Row 1: K.
Row 2: K 1, Ml, k to end.
Rep Row 2 until there are 22 sts.
Work in garter st until piece meas 6 in. from beg.
Next row: K 1, yo, k2tog, k to last 3 sts, k2tog, yo, k 1.
Next row: K 1 row.
Next row: K 1, k2tog, k to last 3 sts, SKP, k 1. Next row: K 2, Ml, k to last st, Ml, k 1. Work in garter st until piece meas 10 in. from beg.
Next row: K 1, k2tog, k to last 3 sts,
SKP, k 1.
Rep last row until 6 sts rem. BO. (Top of flap.)

BAG: With one strand each of A and B held tog and larger ndls, CO 8 sts.
Row 1: K to end, CO 8 sts.
Rows 2-5: Rep Row 1.
Rows 6-8: K.
Row 9: K 2, yo, k2tog, k to last 4 sts,
SKP, yo, k 1.
Rows 10-13: K.
Row 14: Rep Row 9.
Rows 15-18: K.
Row 19: Rep Row 9.
Beg dec row:
Rows 1 & 3: K.
Row 2: K 4, k2tog, k to last 6 sts, SKP, k 4. Row 4: K 2, k2tog, k to last 4 sts, SKP k 2. Row 5: K.
Row 6: K 2, yo, k2tog, k to last 4 sts,
SKP, k 2.
Rep Rows 1 -6 until 16 sts rem.
Next row: K 2, yo, k2tog, k 2, yo, k2tog, k 2, yo, k2tog, k 2, yo, k 2 — 17 sts.
Next row: K2tog, k to last 2 sts, SKP.
Rep last row 2 more times – 11 sts rem. BO.

FINISHING: 1-Cord: With dpns, and B, CO 4 sts. Work l-cord as foll: Next row (RS): With 2nd dpn, k 3, do not turn. Slide sts back to beg of ndl to work next row from RS; rep from * * until l-cord meas desired length. Cut yarn and thread end through all sts. Sew flap to edge of Bag that does not have yo. Insert l-cord strap through yo in the flap and then through the Bag yo end­ing in front. Knot. Tug on l-cord strap to close bag.
Placing WS of Front and Back pieces tog, and working through both pieces, cont from * of Row 6 of Front evenly spacing sts, and crocheting around 3 sides of bag. Fasten off. Sew button on inside of Back opp buttonhole.

Zigane Backpack

zigane backpackRATING

12 in. x 16 in.


  • 5, 50gm/72 yd balls of Skacel Zigane (used double)
  • One pair addi Turbo® knitting needles in size 13 U.S. OR SIZE REQUIRED TO OBTAIN GAUGE
  • Leather cords
  • Fancy button
  • 4 rivets

7 sts = 2 in. with Skacel ZIGANE in St st. TO SAVE TIME, TAKE TIME TO CHECK GAUGE.

MAIN BODY: With two strands of yarn held tog, CO 84 sts. Work in St st until piece meas 14 in. from beg, ending with a k row.

Eyelet row: P 3, (p2tog, yo, p 3) 16 times, p 1.
Work in garter st for 4 rows. BO.

FLAP: With two strands of yarn held tog, CO 22 sts.
Row 1: K.
Row 2: K 2, p 18, k 2.
Rep these 2 rows until piece meas 61/2 in. from beg, ending with a p row. Work in garter st for 10 rows. BO.

FINISHING: Fold over main body. Sew side seams. Sew CO edge of flap to back of upper main part of body, garter rows then fold over top. Sew button on flap. Run a hard plastic piece (meas out to fit inside the Back-pack) and attach the two leather ends with rivets at the top of the plastic. Then run the leather down and through the Zigane piece and attach the other ends of leather with rivets. This gives the Backpack some form.

Herringbone Bag

herringbone bagRATING

5 in. x 8 in. (without


  • 3, 50 gm/27 yd skeins of America’s Alpaca Suri Tape (100% Superfine Alpaca) *One pair each straight knitting nee­dles in sizes 35 and 19 U.S.
  • Two circular knitting needles 16 in. long (or two sets of double-pointed needles) in size 15 U.S.
  • One button
  • 12 in. long boning *Tapestry needle

Gauge is not critical for this project.


Knitting with Ribbons: When knitting with ribbon, care must be taken to keep the ribbon flat when wrapping it around the needle so the ribbon will not get twisted as you knit. Before starting, practice winding the ribbon around the needle several times. To keep the ribbon flat, you will see that it is necessary to drop the ribbon after each turn around the needle. The same thing is true while knitting. You will have to drop the ribbon after each stitch to readjust it for the next stitch to ensure the ribbon is kept flat at all times. If you are accustomed to winding the yarn around any of your fingers or holding it tightly, you should not do so in working with ribbon. One of the exciting things about working with ribbon yarns is that you will find you are learning an entirely new way of knitting!

For most ribbon stitches, rather than purl back on the wrong side of the work, you will use a technique called Left- Hand Knitting. In Left-Hand Knitting, you work from left to right and the stitch­es are transferred from the RH needle to the LH needle. By this method, the RS of the work is facing you at all times (that is, the work is never turned) and the ribbon is always controlled with the RH. This will allow you to keep the rib­bon flatter with less effort, and, most importantly, the ribbon is kept ahead of the stitch being worked, making it less confusing and easier to handle.
You will find it easier to wind the ribbon into a ball, and at the end of each row, release a length of yarn which is temporarily secured around the ball with a pin, needle or clip. This will allow you to use the ball to easily unwind each length of yarn necessary for each new row.

For Reverse Left-Hand Knitting: With yarn in back, insert LH needle into back of stitch being worked on RH nee­dle. Wind ribbon under the LH needle toward you and then back over the LH needle away from you, keeping ribbon flat. Pull ribbon through and then slide stitch off RH needle.


Ribbon Stitch – Basket Weave: This stitch uses an even number of sts and pro­duces a woven effect.
Row 1: With ribbon in back of work, insert ndl through backs of first 2 sts tog, wrap ribbon under ndl as in regular knit­ting, draw it through, dropping only first st from LH ndl. *lnsert ndl through back of rem st and back of next st, wrap rib­bon under ndl, draw ribbon through, dropping only first st from LH ndl: rep from * to last st: insert ndl as before and wrap ribbon under ndl and k this last st.
Row 2: Making all purl sts in reverse manner of purling, *p2tog and drop only first st from LH ndl; insert ndl through rem st and the next st, p them tog and drop only first st from LH ndl: rep from * to last st, p 1.
Rep these 2 rows for pat st.

FRONT & BACK (make two pieces the same): Using size 35 straight ndls, CO 20 sts. Work in pat st for 8 rows. Next row: *K2tog and drop both sts; rep from * once more; cont in pat st to last 4 sts; rep from * twice. Return row: BO all sts still working in pat st while doing so.
BASE: Using one circular ndl and with RS facing, PU 34 sts along side, bottom and other side of front piece. Note: The CO sts will be at the top of the bag. Using the other circular ndl, rep picking up 34 sts for back piece. Using size )9 straight ndl, cable CO 3 sts at end of last PU sts. Work these 3 sts, inserting the RH ndl (and LH ndl for return row) in back of sts and knitting (or purling) wrap ribbon under the ndl toward you and over the ndl away from you; AT THE SAME TIME, at end of each row, sl 3rd st, k (or p) next PU st, pass sl st over 3rd st. Cont working these 3 sts until all the PU sts are worked. Do not break ribbon.

HANDLE: Change to circular ndl and with these 3 sts work a cord by *knitting these 3 sts inserting RH ndl in back of st. do not turn work. Slide sts to right end of ndl. Pull yarn to tighten. Rep from * until you have a cord 12 in. long. Graft open sts to other end of base.
BUTTON LOOP: Using scircular ndl, CO 3 sts. Work a 5 in. long cord as per handle.

FINISHING: Weave boning through han­dle and secure. Secure button loop to
top center of WS of back piece. Secure button 1 in. below top center of RS of front piece. Weave in all loose ends.

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