Ruffle Jacket & Shell
Skill Level: Intermediate
To fit Misses’ sizes Small (Medium, Large). Directions are for smallest size with larger sizes in parentheses. If only one figure is given, it applies to all sizes.
- Finished Bust: 38 (42, 46) in.
- Back Length: 29 1/2 (31, 32 1/2) in.
- 24 (26, 28), 50 gm/140 yd balls of Berroco Rasta multicolor
- One pair knitting needles in size 7 U.S. OR SIZE REQUIRED TO OBTAIN GAUGE
- Cable needle (cn)
- Crochet hook size 1/9 U.S.
- Finished Bust: 35 (40, 44 1/2) in.
- Back Length: 20 (21, 22 1/2) in.
- 6 (7, 8), 50 gm/65 yd balls of Gedifra Freestyle in White
- One pair each knitting needles in sizes 7 and 8 U.S. OR SIZE REQUIRED TO OBTAIN GAUGE
A & B: Jacket & Shell
- 18 sts and 26 rows = 4 in. with Berroco RASTA or Gedifra FREESTYLE and larger ndls in St st.
NOTE: Kit is available from The Needlecraft Boutique, Lakewood, NJ 08701, (732) 363-4343.
C4B = SI 2 sts to cn and hold in back, k 2, k 2 from cn.
C4F = SI 2 sts to cn and hold in front, k 2, k 2 from cn.
C8B&F = SI 2 sts to cn and hold in back, k 2, k 2 from cn; sl 2 sts to cn and hold in front, k 2, k 2 from cn.
sc = single crochet: Insert hook in next stitch, yarn over, draw yarn through stitch, yarn over, draw yarn through 2 loops on hook (= 1 sc).
tr = treble crochet: Yarn over hook, draw yarn through next stitch, (yarn over, draw yarn through 2 loops on hook) 3 times (= 1 tr).
You can find more information about the Crochet stitches – here.
With smaller ndls and RASTA, CO 84 (94, 104) sts. Work in garter st (= k every row) for 4 rows. Change to larger ndls.
Est pat:
- Row 1 (RS): K 30 (35, 40), p 2, k 4, p 2, k 8, p 2, k 4, p 2, k 30 (35, 40).
- Row 2: P 30 (35, 40), k 2, p 4, k 2, p 8, k 2, p 4, k 2, p 30 (35, 40). Rep Rows 1 & 2 until piece meas 17 (18, 19) in. from beg, ending with a WSR.
Est cable pat:
- Row 1 (RS): Work as for Row 1 above.
- Rows 2 & 4: Work as for Row 2 above.
- Row 3 (RS): K 30 (35, 40), p 2, work C4B on next 4 sts, p 2, work C8B&F on next 8 sts, p 2, work C4F on next 4 sts, p 2, k 30 (35, 40) sts. Rep Rows 1 -4 for cable pat until 12 rows (3 cables) have been completed, ending with Row 4.
- Row 1 (RS): K 24 (29, 34), p 2, k 4, p 2, k 4, p 2, k 8, p 2, k 4, p 2, k 4, p 2, k 24 (29, 34).
- Rows 2 & 4: P 24 (29, 34), k 2, p 4, k 2, p 4, k 2, p 8, k 2, p 4, k 2, p 4, k 2, p 24 (29, 34).
- Row 3 (RS): K 24 (29, 34),C4B on next 4 sts, p 2, C4B on next 4 sts, p 2, C8B&F on next 8 sts, p 2, C4F on next 4 sts, p 2, C4F on next 4 sts, p 2, k 24 (29, 34). Rep last 4 rows until 12 rows (3 more cables) have been completed, ending with Row 4.
- Row 1 (RS):K 18 (23, 28), (p 2, k 4) 3 times, p 2, k 8, p 2, (k 4, p 2) 3 times, k 18 (23, 28).
- Rows 2 & 4: P 18 (23, 28), (k 2, p 4) 3 times, k 2, p 8, k 2, (p 4, k 2) 3 times, p 18 (23, 28).
- Row 3: K 18 (23, 28), (p 2, C4B on next 4 sts) 3 times, p 2, C8B&F on next 8 sts, p 2, (C4F on next 4 sts, p 2) 3 times, k 18 (23, 28) sts. Rep last 4 rows until 12 rows (3 more cables) have been completing, ending with Row 4.
- Row 1 (RS): K 12 (17, 22), (p 2, k 4) 4 times, p 2, k 8, p 2, (k 4, p 2) 4 times, k 12 (17, 22).
- Rows 2 & 4: P 12 (17, 22), (k 2, p 4) 4 times, k 2, p 8, k 2, (p 4, k 2) 4 times, p 12 (17, 22).
- Row 3(RS): K 12(17, 22), (p 2, C4B on next 4 sts) 4 times, p 2, C8B&F on next 8 sts, p 2, (C4F, p 2) 4 times, k 12 (17, 22). Rep last 4 rows for remainder of Back; AT THE SAME TIME, when piece meas 21 (22, 23) in. from beg, shape armholes: BO 6 sts at beg of next 2 rows. Dec 1 st each edge EOR 4 times – 64 (74, 84) sts. Cont even in est pat until armholes meas 8 1/2 (9, 91/2) in. BO all sts.
With smaller ndls and RASTA, CO 47 (52, 57) sts. Work in garter st for 4 rows. Change to larger ndls.
Est pat:
- Next row (RS): K 47 (52, 57).
- Next row (WS): K 4 (front band), p 43 (48, 53). Rep last 2 rows keeping 4 sts at front band in garter st and rem sts in St st until piece meas 19 (20, 21) in. from beg, ending with a WSR.
Shape neck:
- Next row (RS): K to within last 6 sts, k2tog (neck dec), k 4.
- Next row (WS): K 4, p to end. Rep last 2 rows cont to dec 1 st 4 sts from neck edge every other k row 3 times; AT THE SAME TIME, when piece meas 21 (22, 23) in. from beg, shape armhole BO 6 sts at armhole edge once, then dec 1 st at armhole edge EOR 4 times, ending with a WSR – 34 (39, 44) sts.
Est cable pat:
- Row 1 (RS): K 2, p 2, k 4, p 2, k 20 (25, 30), k 4.
- Row 2 (WS):K 4, p 20 (25, 30), k 2, p 4, k 2, p 2.
- Row 3 (RS): K 2, p 2, C4B, p 2, k 20 (25, 30). Rep last 4 rows until 12 rows (3 cables) have been completed cont to dec 1 st 4 sts from neck edge every other k row.
- Row 1 (RS): K 2, p 2, (k 4, p 2) twice, k to last 4 sts, k 4.
- Rows 2 & 4: K 4, p to last 16 sts, (k 2, p 4) twice, k 2, p 2.
- Row 3: K 2, p 2, (C4B, p 2) twice, k to last 4 sts, k 4. Rep last 4 rows until 12 rows (3 cables) have been completed cont to dec 1 st 4 sts from neck edge every other k row. Cont working cable pat as on Back working 6 more sts in cable pat every 12 rows two more times; AT THE SAME TIME, cont to dec 1 st 4 sts from neck edge every other k row. Cont in est cable pat until piece meas same as Back. BO rem sts.
Work as for Left Front, rev shaping and pat (working C4F instead of C4B).
With smaller ndls and RASTA, CO 40 (44, 48) sts. Work in garter st for 4 rows. Change to larger ndls.
Est cable pat:
- Row 1 (RS): K 16 (18, 20), p 2, k4, p 2, k 16 (18, 20).
- Rows 2 & 4: P 16 (18, 20), k2, p4, k2, p 16 (18, 20).
- Row 3: Inc 1 st n first st, k 1 (17, 19), p 2, C4B on next 4 sts, p 2, k 15 (17, 19), inc 1 st in last st. Rep last 2 rows inc 1 st each edge every 6th and 4th row alternately 15 times in all – 70 (74, 78) sts. Work even in est pat until Sleeve meas 15 (16, 17) in. from beg, ending with a WSR.
- Shape cap: BO 6 sts at beg of next 2 rows. Dec 1 st each edge EOR 22 (23, 24) times. BO rem 14 (16, 18) sts.
Sew shoulders seams. Sew Sleeves in place. Sew side and Sleeve seams.
Jacket ruffle trim:
- Row 1: With WS facing and crochet hook, join RASTA in bottom LH corner of Left Front edge, ch 1, sc evenly across Left Front edge, across Back neck and down Right Front edge, turn.
- Row 2: Work ch 4, tr in first sc, 2 tr in each sc across. Fasten off.
Sleeve ruffle trim:
- Rnd 1: With RS facing and crochet hook, join RASTA in underarm seam on cuff edge of one Sleeve, ch 1, sc evenly around cuff edge, sl st in first sc to join.
- Rnd 2: Ch 4, 2 tr in first sc, 3 tr in each sc around, sl st in top of turning ch to join. Fsten off. Rep for other Sleeve.
With smaller ndls and FREESTYLE, CO 80 (90, 100) sts. Work in garter st for 1 1/2 in. Change to larger ndls. Work in St st until piece meas 11 1/2 (12, 13) in. from beg, ending with a WSR.
Shape armholes: BO 6 sts at beg of next 2 rows. Dec 1 st each edge EOR 4 times – 60 (70, 80) sts. Keeping 4 sts at each edge in garter st and rem sts in St st work even until armholes meas 41/2 (5, 5 1/2) in., ending with a WSR.
Shape neck:
- Next row (RS): K 20 (24, 28) sts, join another ball of B and BO center 20 (22, 24) sts, k rem 20 (24, 28) sts.
- Next row (WS): K 4 (edge sts), p 16 (20, 24) on first shoulder; p 16 (20, 24), k 4 (edge sts) on second shoulder. Working both sides at the same time with separate balls of yarn, cont as est and BO at each neck edge at beg of EOR: 2 sts 2 times. Work even as est until armholes meas 7 1/2 (8, 8 1/2) in. BO rem 16 (20, 24) sts each shoulder.
Work same as Back.
Sew left shoulder seam.
Neckband: With RS facing, using smaller ndls and FREESTYLE, PU and k approx 60 (72, 84) sts around neck edge. Work in garter st for 1 1/2 in. BO. Sew right shoulder/neckband seam. Sew side seams.
Designed by Jeanie Wechsler